
Your Source to Exceptional Difference!

The percent of employees that are female is: {{}} .


The percent of that are 41-50 years of age is: {{}}


The percent of diverse mix (non-white) is: {{}}


Diversity Traing as of {{dataMonth}}
Senior Managment Completed100%
Associates Completed100%
Gender Compisition
white 70 40%
black 70 40%
hispanic or latino 70 40%
two 70 40%
asian 70 40%
non-binary 70 40%
unknow 60 43%
Ethnic Composition
white 70 40%
black 70 40%
hispanic or latino 70 40%
two 70 40%
asian 70 40%
Women in Leadership
Managment Number of Woman Employees Percent %
Top Managment 1000 40%
Women in Leadership
Managment Number of Woman Employees Percent %
Top Managment 1000 40%

Techôdet, INC. is focused on fostering a diverse workforce dedicated to rising our current 41.33% to 60% by the end of 2021.